Copper Ridge Middle School in DC Ranch ranks highly compared to other middle schools in the state and has a low student:teacher ratio.
It’s located at the intersection of Windgate Pass and Thompson Peak Parkway, across from Silverleaf. The address of the school is 10101 N. Thompson Peak Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.
If you’re looking to move to the DC Ranch area, contact the Matheson Team, your DC Ranch Real Estate Experts, by filling out our contact form.
Copper Ridge Middle School was ranked 113th out of 760 middle schools in the state according to The ranking is based on the AIMS Combined Math and Reading scores for the seventh and eighth grade levels in 2013.
Copper Ridge serves over 1200 students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The student:teacher ratio was 16.4 in 2012.
The school offers a standard curriculum, as well as gifted classes and special education.
To distinguish itself from other public schools, Copper Ridge requires a uniform dress policy to create a learning environment of equality and focus. Copper Ridge also has a strict “no tolerance” policy when it comes to bullying and strives to create a safe environment for all its students.
CONTACT US for more information on buying or selling homes in DC Ranch or Silverleaf.
Don Matheson
Realtor | Founder
The Matheson Team – RE/MAX Fine Properties
21000 N. Pima Rd., #100, Scottsdale, AZ 85255